Super street fighter 2 turbo rom snes
Super street fighter 2 turbo rom snes

super street fighter 2 turbo rom snes

A "punish" is the process of using an opportunity to attack your opponent when he/she makes a mistake.

super street fighter 2 turbo rom snes

Here are some examples, "chip damage" is the amount of health taken away after an attack is blocked."Zoning" is the process of keeping your opponent at a distance to avoid getting hurt. For example I've learned fighting game lingo that only fellow gamers can understand. But what makes this game special, is the fact that there are countless ways to play. There are many ways to approach this game just to beat the computer.But once another player joins in to play you, the game makes you want to practice at getting better.When I personally play another at this game, I would want to end a game in the fanciest way possible! This calls for some great rivals, just for the bragging rights to claim to be the absolute best! Story:4 Not much story in this game.Every fighter has his/her own individual story for taking part in the tournament,which when you think about it, makes it seem like three's no story at all.But even though there's not much of a story, you can tell each character's goals and personality through their win quotes and endings. Addictiveness:8 This is the very game that introduced me to competitive fighting games. And this is coming from a gamer guy who hasn't played any street fighter game in seven years! To be able to remember such music in such amount of time justifies why the game is still played by gamers like me. But after playing the game again and listening to the music a second time, it sounded like the same masterpiece I heard as a seven year old. When I first heard the music, the snes had changed the tones so much it sounds completely different from the arcade original. Almost half of the original sounds were completely gone. Sound:7 This is another section that was brutally changed for the snes' preferences. But this is a game that takes the snes to it's limits.Most graphics that were recycled were beautifully restored, and it gives retro gamers the same nostalgic edge as the arcade version. Some of the colors were taken out due to the snes' graphical capabilities.

super street fighter 2 turbo rom snes

But is it all what it should be credited for? This review will answer the following question and more.! Graphics:6 Although the game itself is a boot from the arcade original, it doesn't hold a candle to it's predecessor. In my opinion, one of the best games on the snes. Street Fighter Alpha 2 Review by: gamerguy121 - 8.5/10 A KO, or KO in itself?!! Here is I, The great gamerguy121 making my first review on the very game that introduced me to competitive fighting games.

Super street fighter 2 turbo rom snes